Theodora S. Hyuha, James O. Bukenya, Julius Twinamasiko and Joseph Molnar
The study had three overriding objectives. Firstly, to assess the profitability of small-scale aquaculture production enterprises in central Uganda; secondly, to ascertain the factors affecting profitability; and thirdly, to identify the constraints to fish farming in the region.The data were collected through a survey questionnaire administered to a random sample of 200 small scale fish farmers in the three major fish farming districts of Mpigi, Mukono and Wakiso in central Uganda. The analysis was carried out using descriptive statistics, enterprise budgeting and ordinary linear regression. Although the results show smallscale aquaculture enterprises to be profitable in the study region, the estimated profit margins are relatively small. Farming experience, fish price, record keeping, feed cost and volume of fish harvested were the most influential factors in explaining profitability. The key factors identified as hindrances to aquaculture development in the region included predators, unavailability of credit facilities, expensive feeds, shortage and poor quality of fingerlings.
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