Beourou S*, Okou OC, Tuo K, Kamenan KCD, Gnondjui AA, Kouakou L, Attemene DSD, Penali L, Ronan Jambou and Djaman AJ
Gametocytes were produced from the asexual forms of clinical isolates cultured at 2.45% parasitaemia and 6% hematocrit using the candle jar method. Formation of gametocytes up to maturation (stage II to stage V) and a variable number of gametocytes going up to 1.26% for about two weeks with relatively high parasitaemia were observed. For the chemo-sensitivity tests, six crude extracts of two medicinal plants were tested on the clinical isolates and the standard strain using the SYBR Green method based on DNA fluorescence. Determination of the IC50s of our extracts after reading the 96-well microplates was performed using the IVART software from WWARN. Results showed that the aqueous extracts (Isolate 1, IC50 = 13.27 μg / mL, Isolate 2, IC50 = 13.93 μg / mL and Isolate 3, IC50= 14.63 μg / mL and standard strain K1, IC50 = 14.01 μg / mL) and Ethanolic extracts (Isolate1, IC50 = 13.43 μg / mL, K1 strain, IC50 = 10.14 μg / mL) of Entandrophragma angolense (Lokoba) were active whereas chloroquine used as standard molecule showed mixed activity on Isolates and on chloroquine-resistant strain K1 (IC50> 50 nM). Ethanolic extracts of Cocoa nucifera were only active on isolate 3.
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