Publisherâ??s Note: A cursory look at Aquaculture in Canada..


Tonukari Ochuko.

Aquaculture is the farming of fish, shellfish or aquatic plants in either fresh or saltwater, or both.[1] The farmed animals or plants are cared for under a controlled environment to ensure optimum growth, success and profit. When they have reached an appropriate size (often once they reach maturity), they are harvested, processed, and shipped to markets to be sold.[2] Aquaculture is practiced all over the world and is extremely popular in countries such as China, where population is high and fish is a staple part of their everyday diet. Aquaculture in Canada plays a prominent role in Canada’s ecological, social and economic stage.[3] With Canada having the world's longest coastline, as well as the world's largest freshwater system and tidal range,[4] aquaculture is an obvious choice for Canada. Many different types of fish are farmed in Canada which helps to implement ecological sustainability among many different types of fish such as Atlantic Salmon, Cod, Arctic Char, Halibut, Tilapia and Rainbow Trout.[5]

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