Jacob NANDJUI, Bomoh Catherine EBAH-DJEDJI and Latifou IDRISSOU
This paper is a case study of how agricultural innovation system implementation in the Nawa region (Southwest Cote d'Ivoire) allowed improving cassava-based business through improving women skills for production and processing and therefore increased women livelihood and increased food security in the village of Krohon. This region is known as a major cocoa-producing area where food crops diversification appeared as a dire need. Different types of actors were mainstreamed in the multistakeholder process through three types of platforms. The research for development platform (R4DP) performed the situation analysis of food crops production and identified in interaction with others stakeholders’ women as core actors of food crop production. The R4DP also implemented trials together with women farmers who were in charge of data collection. The innovation platform (IP) defined agricultural issues and challenges in the region and identified entry theme of the project to be implemented. Village innovation platforms (VIPs) were operational platforms that implemented field activities closely with researchers. The strong interactions within and between platforms allowed continuously performed field- and post-harvest 'demand-driven' oriented activities. The strong implication of women farmers in trials and trainings also allowed them to select the best fit innovations in accordance with their aspirations.
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