Statistical approach to the analysis of the variability and fertility of vegetable soils of Daloa (CĂ´te dâ??Ivoire)


Ferdinand Gohi Bi ZRO , Arnauth Martinez GUEI , Yves Krogba NANGAH , DognimÊton SORO , Sidiki BAKAYOKO

This study consisted firstly to localize the principal sites of vegetable soils. During this investigation phase, five gardening sites were identified. Soils of these sites have been described and samples were taken for laboratory analyzes. Finally, statistical analyzes were performed on soil properties determined. The results showed that the soils of these different sites correspond to three subsets of soils fertility which differed essentially by their textures and cationic exchange capacity, their rate of organic matter, iron and zinc, their humidity and acidity. Soils of Labia site characterized by a balanced texture, slightly acidic pH, high cationic exchange capacity and high level of organic matter are most fertile. The organic matter in these soils are derived in general from the decomposition of household waste which had been dumped there. However, these soils have presented real risks of iron toxicity because of their high iron content. Also, their high content of zinc that comes from household waste suggests that they could be well supplied with other heavy metals contained in household waste too.

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