*Aden E. Kutuny, Ronald A. Duale and Mildred M. Kiyiapi
The ability to display simulated environments through the computer may make it a stimulating instructional tool for illuminating abstract concepts in Geography. In Kenya, there is persistent lack of resources to improve the quality of Geography education, especially those that incorporate new Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). As well, there exists teacher and learner apprehension towards the use of computers, hence poor performance in certain abstract concepts in Geography. The purpose of the study was to establish the attitudes of students and teachers towards the use of computer technology in Geography education. The survey was conducted in Kisumu District of Nyanza Province, Kenya. The study sample was 80 teachers and 1165 form three high school students representing 30% of the population. The Loyd Gressard Computer Attitude Scale was administered to establish Geography teachers’ and students’ attitudes Attitude was determined by mean while differences in attitude between teachers and students was established by use of the non- parametric Mann – Whitney U – Wilcoxon Test at a confidence level of 0.05. The study established that the majority of Geography teachers (mean of 4.89) and students (mean of 4.81) had a positive attitude towards the use of computer technology in teaching and learning and hence favoured the integration of computer simulations into the Geography curriculum.
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