Omale James and Omajali Jacob B
Natural sources of nutrients for both humans and animals have become of immense biomedical significance. In this study, some nutrient composition of the fruit and leaf of Saba florida (Benth.) from Ibaji forest were evaluated using HPLC. The results showed that the plant parts studied contained significant level of vitamins A and E. Lipids of physiologic and nutritional importance such as lauric, myristic, oleic, linoleic and stearic acids were detected in some parts of the plant. Oleic acid was highest in the fruit pericarp (12.387%).The study also showed that the fruit pulp contain high amount (285.521%) of cholesterol than other parts investigated. The results suggest that S. florida (Benth.) is rich in essential fatty acids, vitamins A and E. We therefore conclude that judicious consumption of the fruit and leaf of S. florida could play both physiologic and nutritional roles in human and animal body.
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