Survey on nourishment wellbeing System: Ethiopian point of view


Negasso E. Dinka, Hailu E. Yimenu and Mikael S. W

Ensuring food safety to protect public health remains a significant challenge in both developing and developed countries. In the last decade, large efforts have been made on the global level towards development and implementation of food safety management systems to assure food safety in the agri?food chain. Current and new challenges to food safety include changes in animal husbandry, food or agricultural technology, lifestyle and consumer demands and others. In Ethiopia, key stakeholders involved in food safety management include Ministry of Health , Ministry of Agriculture, Quality and Standards Authority of Ethiopia, Environmental Protection Authority, Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Trade, different Federal and Regional Governmental Bodies, Research Institutions, Ministry of Education, Food Manufacturers, Food distributors and Hotels. Even though effective food safety systems are vital to maintain consumer confidence in the food system and to provide a sound regulatory foundation for domestic and international trade in food, there are gaps in Ethiopian food safety system on legal and policy frame work, food-borne diseases surveillance, coordination of organizations involved in food safety management, and laboratory services for relevant food hazards. Lack of appropriate food safety assurance systems are problems that have become obstacles to Ethiopia’s economic development and public health safety. There is no appropriate policy framework that guides food safety management. Initiating the establishment of National food safety Authority/policy, upgrading the capacity of existing public health laboratory, personnel, food-borne diseases surveillance, and legal and policy frame work are as such suggested to overcome these problems

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