The trace and heavy metal concentration of eighteen different varieties of hazelnut were studied for variety and geographical region discussed for human nutrition and health. These results showed that average Al, As, B, Cr, Co, Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Ni, Se, Pb, and Zn concentrations in the varieties varied in the following ranges 0.91-9.74, 0.02-0.27, 14.60-29.90, 0.02-0.04, 0.07-0.61, 0.01-0.03, 13.76-21.71, 35.12- 49.40, 41.11-116.81, 0.09-0.31, 0.81-2.97, 0.02-0.05, 0.03-0.07 and 23.52-35.52 mg kg-1 . According to the daily microelement requirements, 100 g Uzunmusa cv, Kargalak cv., Cakildak cv. hazelnut provided about 50% for Fe and Cd, 41% for Mo, 32% for Zn, 21% for Se, 21% for Cr, 5% for B, 1% Ni of the recommended daily amount. On the other hand 100 g hazelnut can supply easily, a daily consumption of Mn, Cu, As, Pb, Al and Co levels of human beings.
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