The Renewable Energy and its Sources


Aynur Huang*

Energy that is obtained from the sun is called solar energy. Cells transform sunlight into electricity and give power supply to anything from the entire neighborhood to the smallest garden light. Solar farms and community projects use mirrors to concentrate the sunlight and create much larger supplies, whereas rooftop panel provides power to the home, while. Solar energy is used as either passive solar or active solar. Active solar can be consumed in activities such as warming of air and drying clothes. To utilize this abundant resource, technology has provided a number of ways. Whereas this renewable solar energy resource system is also a clean energy source because it doesn’t produce greenhouse gases or air pollutants. If the solar energy panels are manufactured and responsibly sited then they are also counted as green energy as they don’t have an adverse environmental impact. Solar farms can also be created in water bodies, called ‘floatovoltaics’.

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