The socio-economic impact of the Lake Chad resettlement scheme, Nigeria


E. D. Oruonye

This study was undertaken with the objective of assessing the socio-economic impacts that have taken place since the arrival of different batches of settlers following the resettlement scheme. These impacts include damages exerted on the natural environment, accessibility to sites, provision of infrastructural facilities and the overall success/failure of the resettlement programme. The study employed descriptive survey method including both quantitative and qualitative data collecting instruments. The checklist method of impact assessment was employed in this study. The high number of people who indicated that they did not observed any socio-economic impact of the resettlement scheme on the environment is a reflection of the low level of awareness of the people about environmental impacts of such projects. This study recommends the implementation of existing framework of SEIA in order to ensure that local people and other interests are effectively represented in the process of resettlement scheme.

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