Rouabhi, R.1*
, Berrebbah, H.2
, and Djebar, M.R.2
The effect of two pesticides, the diflubenzuron (DFB) and flucycloxuron (FCX) was studied on the ciliated protiste cellular model, Paramecium sp. Treatment with the DFB at 10 and 20 µg/ml reduces the growth of this protiste appreciably. The survey of the respiratory metabolism by the polarography technique (oxygen electrode) shows a sensitive inhibition of the oxygen consumption. In the case of the FCX, treatment with the two concentrations (10 and 20 µg/ml) reveals an inhibition of the ciliated protiste growth. This pesticide also inhibits the respiratory metabolism of ciliated protiste. This effect is a lot more marked with the FCX that with the DFB
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