Samir Deb Chakraborty
Organized retailing in India has reached a point of transformation after witnessing unprecedented growth
over the last few years. It has lot of potential for further growth and for penetrating into semi urban and
rural markets. Opportunities for retailing are increasing day by day due to changing customer behaviour,
technological developments and modified regularities by allowing more than 51% FDI’s in retail sector.
India is a palace for all sizes, varieties and formats of retail sector. The country is a mosaic of wide
diversity-urban, rural, rich and poor customer base. Technological advancements have witnessed
phenomenal growth in retailing over the past few years. On the other hand, adoption of information
technology (IT) in retail business should be largely cautious, incremental and supportive of the
conventional operational functions rather than being drastic for successful implementation. The current
study is on Subiksha retail chain’s raise after expansion with significant reach across country-wide with
the application of IT and fall arising out of rapid expansion resulting in insufficient funds. Subhiksha has
made a grand entry into retail sector a decade earlier when the sector was on a boom but hit hard by the
global financial crisis during 2008.
for further expansion. The authors have collected data by means of
observation and interviewing customers of various retail outlets at different parts of Hyderabad and
Secunderabad. To support the primary data secondary data is also collected from newspapers, journals,
websites, books and articles. The causes of failure that are identified are lack of skilled personnel, knowhow, poor implementation, coordination and improper allocation of funds.
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