Roberto Amaral Tarsila Costa Montenegro and Alice G. Miranda
The use of food baits in traps is an alternative for monitoring and controlling of Zaprionus indianus (Diptera: Drosophilidae). The damages caused by the fig fly, in fig orchards in Brazil are expressive, however there are few alternatives to minimize their attack. The aim of this work was to determine the response of Z. indianus to different traps models. The trials were developed at the University Federal of Santa Maria in Santa Maria County, Rio Grande do Sul state, Brazil, from February 11 to April 1, 2010, in fig orchard (Ficus carica L.). The experimental design used was randomized block, with five treatments and four repli cations. Four different traps models were evaluated: pet colorless bottle of 2L capacity (P1); plastic bottle McPhail (M1), pet bottle of 1L, white (P2) and plastic bottle of 0,6L, this one was colorless (P3I) and one of green color (P3V). The best trap for capturing Z. indianus was P3I trap. Also traps P3V and P2 captured satisfactorily to Z. indianus, however, before using the last traps is necessary to perform an adjustment on them. The McPhail trap is inefficient in the research condition.
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