Badar Alam Iqbal
Global food scenario has been under heavy odds. This has been due to spiraling food prices and scarcity of food grains all over the world. The result is that the specter of a hungry world that stood at 800 million roiled into unrest and political upheavals. One of the contributory factors is more population and lesser output of food grains. There is also a saying that the Asian Economies and the US have also contributed towards global food crisis. A lot of efforts have been made out both at international and national levels. But there is some improvement in trends and situation and it is hoped that worst may be over. The need is to take more effective measures to tackle the most alarming and burning issue that the world is facing. The present paper reviews emerging issues and trends in respect of global food situation and crisis. The year 2007 is considered to be the worst year ever for global food crisis and prices in recent past. In this year, increasing food grain prices and shortage of food grains supply world over have resurrected the specter of a hungry world, roiled with riots and political insecurity and stability. One of the most relevant concepts has been given by Thomas Robert Malthus two centuries ago in regard to causes of food crisis. According to this concept ‘population would grow till it outstrips food grains production, and then famines, wars and epidemics would intervene to restore the balance’ (Varma, 2008). This is what is happening today
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