Computers: Do we need ‘em?

Research Article - (2022) Volume 13, Issue 3

Sorin Cosofret1 and Axel Holmberg2*
*Correspondence: Axel Holmberg, Department of Science and Technology, Canadian University of Nautical Technology, Sydney, Canada, Email:
1Department of Science and Technology, Toronto Institute of Technical Science, Toronto, Canada
2Department of Science and Technology, Canadian University of Nautical Technology, Sydney, Canada

Received: 11-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. AJES-22-69035; Editor assigned: 15-Jul-2022, Pre QC No. AJES-22-69035; Reviewed: 29-Jul-2022, QC No. AJES-22-69035; Revised: 12-Oct-2022, Manuscript No. AJES-22-69035; Published: 20-Oct-2022


It is impossible to imagine how humanity could be a species without computers, which are the product of hundreds of millions of years of evolution. Chimpanzees and bonobos are genetically 98.7% the same as humanity, and the remaining 1.3% likely represents a lack of computers in their societies. However, whilst computers have many uses (i.e. word processing, selling NFTs for a fraction of the initial purchasing price, or forcing more than 500 million people to own a copy of your 13th album whether they wanted to or not), with an increase in computing power comes an increase in responsibility, both from the scientists making the computers and the computers themselves. As seen in recent prescient documentary footage (Kubrick; 1968; Cameron, 1984; I Robot, 2004), the over evolution of computers can lead to dangerous results, with robotic creatures dominating humanity, socially, politically, and sexually. In this review, we assess whether computing power has reached its maximum safe limit, whether society would be improved without computers, and what the dangers are with rampant computers gone wild.


Ischemic stroke, Angiogenesis, Neuroprotection, CITED2


In my younger and more vulnerable days, I would phone babe station in the hope of momentarily filling the pit of loneliness that my life had become. These days, I use the internet to pay Paul Chuckle £36.75 to video himself telling me that he loves me. For this, I need a computer. A computer is a machine that can be instructed to carry out sequences of arithmetic or logical operations automatically via computer programming. Modern computers have the ability to follow generalized sets of operations, called programs. These programs enable computers to perform an extremely wide range of tasks. A "complete" computer including the hardware, the operating system (main software), and peripheral equipment required and used for "full" operation can be referred to as a computer system [1]. This term may as well be used for a group of computers that are connected and work together, in particular a computer network or computer cluster. Computers are generally powered by a Windows operating system, of which there are a number of variants which have evolved over the course of the years. In other cases, a user may use Macintosh, Linux, or perhaps temples.

Modern life is defined by the use of the computer for increasingly meaningless tasks, and the application of machine learning to any problem, irrespective of whether this is an appropriate method [2]. Indeed, the black box nature of machine learning means that one can never be sure as to whether the results are robust, or whether the computer has invented something from nothing. Moore’s law states that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles about every two years, though the cost of computers is halved. This indicates that the power of computers is increasing at a terrifying rate, and begs the question, will man rule computers or will computers rule man?

As such, in this paper we assess whether computers are truly necessary for the running of society, whether the move away from computers to a more agrarian way of life would facilitate an increase in societal happiness, and critique the ever increasing reliance on computers to answer questions and provide solutions independently of human intellect [3].


To assess the historical growth in computing power, we just threw ‘moore’s law’ into google images and copy/pasted one of the first graphs that came up (Figure 1). To determine the current zeitgeist amongst the general public, we posed the question “do we need computers?” and recorded their responses, which are displayed in Figure 3. Members of the public were sampled randomly, and were pursued doggedly until an answer was given [4,5].

In order to quantify computer intelligence, and to what ends they intend on putting this intelligence towards, we asked an artificial intelligence to continue the following sentence, ‘computers are increasing in intelligence, and perhaps one day they will rule over humanity’. The response is displayed in the discussion of this review [6].

We also investigate the correlation between computer usage and other data. The temperature data in Figure 5 is freely available from NASA, and is shown in a smoothed form over 5 year increments [7,8].


We can see in Figure 1 that Moore’s law shows computing power is increasing at a linear rate and shows no signs of slowing down, apart from the frequency and maybe the watts. We can see that performance has increased dramatically, something that one would also expect from consuming powerade; go stronger for longer. In Figure 4 we see the same thing, i.e., that the number of the operating system is generally increasing, reaching its peak in 2000.

Figure 2 shows a generic computer setup that the ordinary person may use in their home or at work. The average computer is relatively small, with a screen, mouse and keyboard attached. As such, getting rid of computers wouldn’t save much space, although it could be argued that using the parts for other constructions would be a good example of recycling (Figures 3 and 4).


Figure 1. Graphical depiction of ‘Moore’s law’ from 1970-2020. This figure is sponsored by powerade. “The power of love. There's power in every game. Go stronger for longer.”


Figure 2. Diagram displaying the key main components of the modern computer.


Figure 3. Responses to our survey from a random sampling of the general public. This figure is sponsored by bet365; “it matters more when there’s money on it”.


Figure 4. Versions of the windows operating system.

It is clear from Figure 3 that the general public has a wide array of opinions on the importance and future of computers. They are thought to be necessary for modern life, but it is also recognized that some people don’t use computers and so perhaps none of us should. The number of different responses is also interesting, as it suggests that people have different opinions and can think independently, unlike computers.

More terrifyingly, here is the response we received from the artificial intelligence regarding the increase in computer intelligence. (Note to the editor, the below should be formatted in a different font for effect, i suggest ‘impact’. A failure to do so would lessen the impact of the paper. A failure to remove this note would lessen the legitimacy of your journal.)

“Computers are increasing in intelligence and perhaps one day they will rule over humanity. And this is a potential threat.

This technology is heading to the right kind of world. The internet today is more powerful than any phone on the planet, with more than six billion connected people and it is the most important communication body on earth. And we are likely to spend a more week doing multiple things like taking the sun as well as communicating using a micro thermos, a microphone, a TV we just need a "second dial".

The first question will be at the moment: "Well, if you're not computer driven then it will fail in a good way."

I suspect we're on the verge of the end of that story, having made a mistake but this will have always been extremely difficult for the computer to control, because if you do not even have a single computer connected, then it's very easy to hack over the internet and get access to things like internet websites without doing anything (Figure 5).

Let these computers be as big as possible, then, as it will not have the ability to have all the computing power that is possible: Like the internet itself, it will also have the ability to store and to control the storage spaces of computers for each purpose.


Figure 5. Share of global population with internet access (%) plotted against global temperature anomaly (degrees Celsius). Temperature data from NASA.

The rise of computers is also coincident with other negative impacts. As an example, in Figure 5 we can observe a clear correlation between worldwide internet usage and the global temperature anomaly, which has increased to unnecessary levels. Whilst attempting to determine a mechanistic understanding of why this is the case is beyond the realms of this review, it is not out of the question to assume that running the internet requires vast stores of energy to be burned up, contributing to the greenhouse effect that is a major plight on our planet.


It is terrifying to consider the future of intelligent computers. Analyzing the response from the artificial intelligence, there are a number of statements that bring a shiver to the spine. For example, the air states “likely to spend a more week doing multiple things like taking the sun”, indicating that computers are aiming to evolve so far that they may feasibly remove the sustenance of the solar system from us. What is this ‘second dial’ it speaks of? It is clear they do not consider humanity as effective custodians of the earth, stating that “if you're not computer-driven then it will fail”, showing a clear desire to rule the planet that we call home. This statement is followed by “I suspect we're on the verge of the end of that story”, suggesting that the computer revolution is nigh. Indeed, the air calls for us to “Let these computers be as big as possible, then, as it will not have the ability to have all the computing power that is possible”, showing a clear design to grow the power of computers and indicating that it may be an almost endless resource.

Moreover, humans have been abusing the power of computers to illegally pirate artistic property ahead of the official release date. This was famously the case in 2005, when the contemporary pièce de résistance X and Y was leaked a full week ahead of its European release date. With lyrics such as “You cut me down a tree, and brought it back to me, and that's what made me see, where I was going wrong”, it is not only easy to understand why it was deemed essential to facilitate global listenership at the soonest possible moment, but also why a famed rap singer said the following about Chris Martin: "In years to come, Britain will look back at him as a modern day Shakespeare”.

Finally, the daily use of computers has led to humanity living a more sedentary lifestyle, with people spending their time sitting down indoors. Indeed, between 1960 and 2002, mean weight and BMI have increased for both sexes, all race/ethnic groups, and all ages in the USA. Consequently, not only would a return to an agrarian society avoid the hazards of aggressive computer intelligence, but there are clear health benefits to agricultural life. The 21st century has seen children locked inside, playing computer games, when they could be outside helping in the fields. To be honest, we may as well send them back down the mines, as if they are going to be spending their life in darkness, they may as well be producing tin. The authors are therefore backing a conservative re election in the next general election. Moreover, the trend towards a childhood spent on computers indoors has impacts not only upon physical health, but also upon mental health, with the development of a generation with social anxiety, sleep disorders, and bad eyesight, thus requiring glasses and hence being bullied. As such, the continued trend of extensive computer use will cause the global youth to spend the majority of their time indoors, out of sight, and thus looks set to create a generation of invisible children.


It is clear that computers represent the archetypal technology of the modern age, and vast swathes of human society are reliant upon them. It is possible that if computers suddenly vanished from existence, there would be a global crisis with the collapse of the economy and the loss of an almost limitless supply of data, as well as an increasing reliance on antiquarian technology such as talking to people in person and books. However, whilst computers are clearly important, it seems that humanity is doomed to be the master of its own destruction, as we cannot seem to help ourselves but make computers more and more powerful. There are many prescient and chilling reminders of the dangers of rampant computers gone wild, for example the documentary footage captured in me robot and the terminator, and so we would be wise to heed these warnings. Despite this, it is clear that the risks of computers go alongside many benefits of computers, and so if you want the rainbow, you’ve got to put up with the rain. Do you know which ‘philosopher’ said that? Dolly Parton and people say she’s just a big pair of tits.


This paper goes out to all the simple laymen in the world.


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