Editorial note on significance of medicine

Editorial - (2021) Volume 11, Issue 1

Emilio Rahimah*
*Correspondence: Emilio Rahimah, Department of Medicine, Dawat University, Kabul, Afghanistan, Email:
Department of Medicine, Dawat University, Kabul, Afghanistan

Received: 01-May-2021 Published: 14-May-2021

Editorial Note

Medicine is the branch of science that studies diseases (illnesses) in humans and animals, as well as the best techniques to avoid them and recover from them. It can be defined as anything that tackles a human being’s health problem, whether it is of the body, mind, or spirit, and helps them recover by treating the condition. Medical doctors and physicians are the most common terms used to describe those who practise medicine. Doctors frequently collaborate with nurses and other health-care providers. Many doctors specialise in a specific field of medicine. Pediatrics, for example, is a medical speciality concerned with the health of children.

People used to rely on various parts of medicinal plants such as Tulasi, Vasaka, Neem, and others, or their extracts, for the treatment of diseases in the past. Scientists observed and analysed the composition of those substances and developed similar kinds of molecules artificially, and the direct use of medicinal plants has gradually decreased. As medical research progressed, scientists created a slew of new chemicals that are more effective and provide faster relief. Some of these compounds could also be used to treat incurable diseases. Medicines are the names given to these compounds. Penicillin, tetracycline, and sulphadiazine are some examples of drugs. Quinine is a medication derived from the bark of the cinchona tree. It’s given to people to help them get rid of malaria.

International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes high profile papers covering novel aspects and methods in all areas of medicine and medical sciences. The aim of the journal is to serve as a platform for the dissemination of innovative research in all areas of Medicine and Medical Sciences. The journal is published monthly and covers all areas of the subject. International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences journal represents itself as the timely resource on medicine and provides a wide range of research scope in the said field of study .

On behalf of the Board of the International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences and my co-editors, I am glad to present the Volume 11, Issue 1 of the journal. The journal established in the year 2008 and has now published 10 issues; 4 issues in a year. Average download per article is increasing and on an average there are 35 downloads per paper. All these are promising signs. We could reach this stage through the constant support of Board Members and intellectual generosity of the readers and contributors (authors and reviewers).

We also feel that a need exists for additional facilities for the publication of the results in International Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences research, especially in their relation to medical and clinical sciences.

Therefore, it has been resolved that papers on these topics will be welcome in our Journal; and in order to accentuate the importance we attribute to the cultivation of Medicine and Medical Sciences. Anesthesiology Case Reports is a peer- reviewed journal in which helps in uplifting the different case reports, research studies in the field of medicine. Our journal contributes various case reports, case studies, research work throughout the global wise. Our journal is the perfect platform to showcase the different types of case reports all over the world as we encourage every doctor, eminent authors, students, graduates etc., from any part of the world.

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