Editorial - (2021) Volume 6, Issue 2
Received: 03-May-2021 Published: 27-May-2021
I am pleased to announce that the African Journal of Gender and Women Studies is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary open access journal dedicated to the study of gender and its intersections with identity, such as race, social inequality, sexuality, class, location, disability, ethnicity, and nationality. The journal’s ISSN is 2736-1578. Journals thrive by publishing the most comprehensive source of discovery and accurate details on findings in all areas of the field, as well as recent breakthroughs in the form of original papers, analysis, articles, case reports, brief messages, and other formats making them freely available online to researchers all throughout the world, with no restrictions or subscriptions.
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Papers that examine the intersections of gender and women’s studies in subjects such as literature, language, geography, history, political science, sociology, anthropology, film, media studies, human development, law, and medicine are invited.
Authors can use the online tracking system to submit papers and track their progress toward publication. As every report that is to be made public must be submitted within 45 days of receipt. The time required for various processes such as quality control, peer review, and paper preparation ranges between 4 and 5 weeks. The performance reviews and peer review processes take 14 days to complete, and the submission deadline is only 7 days after the reviewers and editors have accepted.
Volume 6 and Issue 3 of AJGWS will be released. The AJGWS was launched in April of 2021. The African Journal of Gender and Women Studies uses a peer-review mechanism to assess the quality of a submission before it is published. Qualified scholars in the appropriate study area evaluate submitted manuscripts for originality, validity, and significance to assist editors in deciding whether or not to publish the manuscript.
Without subscription fees or registration hurdles, all articles published by this journal are made freely and permanently accessible online shortly after publication. Additionally, writers of articles published in this journal are the copyright proprietors of their articles and have allowed any third party the right to use, reproduce, or disseminate their articles in advance and in perpetuity.
I’d like to thank all of the writers, reviewers, and other helpful groups for their contributions to the final editing of the published articles, as well as the editorial assistant’s help in resolving AJGWS difficulties in a timely manner. I owe them a debt of gratitude for motivating me to appreciate the work and progress of other organisations that contribute to the successful publication of articles.
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