Editorial - (2021) Volume 9, Issue 3

*Correspondence: Raymond Shakespeare, Department of Environmental, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA, Email:
Department of Environmental, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA

Received: 01-Dec-2021 Published: 22-Dec-2021


Pollution is one of the reasons which cause adverse changes in the living entities and environment by the introduction of energy or substances. Pollution need not always be caused by chemical substances such as particulates like dust and smoke. It can also be caused by Forms of energy such as light sound, or heat. Pollution impacts the ecological balance even in minuscule amounts; there are different types of pollution which are either caused by man-made activities like nuclear wastes, factories, cars, etc., or by natural events like forest fires.

Types of Pollution

The pollutants responsible for polluting the environment are:

•Air Pollution
•Water Pollution
•Soil Pollution
•Noise Pollution
•Radioactive pollution

Apart from these 5 types of pollution, other types of pollution exist such as thermal pollution and light pollution.

Air pollution: air pollution is caused by the release of harmful contaminants into the earth’s atmosphere.These contaminants pose serious health issues and are quite detrimental. Causes of air pollution are the burning of fossil fuels, exhaust gases from industries and factories, Mining operations, etc. Effects of air pollution are skin diseases, cancer, Acid rain, hazards to wildlife, ozone depletion, global warming, respiratory illness, etc. Compare to other pollution air pollution is theorized to have a planet-wide implication.

Water pollution: water pollution occurs when particulate matter and toxic pollutants are dissolved intwater bodies such as rivers, seas, and lakes. These contaminants are actually introduced by human beings activities like oil spills and improper sewage treatment. Few significant causes of water pollution include Dumping solid wastes, disposing of untreated industrial sewage; human and animal wastes. Water pollution has more disastrous consequences on humans. The consequences of water pollution include Threats to marine life, Eutrophication, water-borne diseases, toxic chemicals, Disruption of the ecosystem.

Soil pollution: soil pollution is also referred to as soil contamination, which is defined as degradation of land due to the presence of man-made substances or other chemicals in the soil. This pollution can drastically impact life directly or indirectly. For instance, any toxic chemicals present in the soil get easily absorbed by the plants. Where plants are producers in an environment, so it gets passed up through the food chain. Compared to the other types of pollution, soil pollution are a little more obscured, Some common causes of soil pollution are Intensive farming and agrochemicals, mining activities, improper industrial waste disposal, Oil Spills, and industrial accidents. The hazardous soil pollution is radioactive waste. Impacts of soil pollution are Loss of soil nutrients, degrades vegetation, respiratory problems, etc.

Noise pollution: Noise pollution is usually man-made pollution. It refers to an excessive amount of noise in the surrounding that disrupts the natural balance; Natural calamities like volcanoes are also one of the reasons for noise pollution. Sound which is over 85 decibels is considered to be detrimental. If an individual is exposed to over 85 decibels it impacts their health. Noise pollution has now become very common due to dense industrialization and urbanization. Several contributors of noise pollution include Industry-oriented noises, transportation noises, construction noises, household noises, noise from social events. This noise pollution adverse effect includes sleeping disorders, hearing loss, communication problems, hypertension (high BP), and tinnitus.

Radioactive pollution: Radioactive pollution is the pollution caused by the release of radioactive substances in the atmosphere during activities such as mining of radioactive ores, and nuclear explosions, etc.

The harmful pollutants responsible for polluting the environment are.

•Nitrogen oxide
•Sulphur oxide
•Particulate matter
•Volatile organic compounds

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