Human geography: Types and importance

Commentary - (2023) Volume 10, Issue 2

Tony Bentley*
*Correspondence: Tony Bentley, Department of Human Geography, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa, Email:
Department of Human Geography, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa

Received: 04-Feb-2023, Manuscript No. AJGRP-23-88676 ; Editor assigned: 06-Feb-2023, Pre QC No. AJGRP-23-88676 (PQ); Reviewed: 20-Feb-2023, QC No. AJGRP-23-88676 ; Revised: 07-Apr-2023, Manuscript No. AJGRP-23-88676 (R); Published: 14-Apr-2023


The study of how connections between individuals, locations, and surroundings alter over time and space both inside and between various locations. A place develops its human qualities as a result of human thoughts and actions. They include homes, parks, and bridges. Land usage, population density, linguistic trends, religious affiliations, architectural styles, and political structures are further human features of place. The study of the relationship between a person's actions and his physical environment, as well as the impact of the natural environment on a person's functions and forces in various parts of the world, is what is meant by the principles of human geography, which can be said to vary from region to region but are still based on the same idea.

Types: Cultural geography, political geography, economic geography, and environmental geography are the four categories of geography.

Cultural geography: The study of how location and culture interact. Cultures are distributed over space, places and identities are created, people create knowledge and meaning, knowledge production and communication are examined, as well as the cultural values, practices, discursive and material expressions, and artefacts of people. Cultural geography also looks at how cultures are distributed over space. The field of geography has long included cultural geography as a fundamental component, but over time, its conceptual framework, analytical methods, and method of conducting empirical research have all undergone significant changes.

Political geography: A subfield of geography that examines city circumstances, political unit boundaries and subdivisions (such as states or nations), and human governance. Political geography typically uses a three scale framework for analytical purposes, with the study of the state at the center, the study of global politics above it, and the study of localities below it. The interactions between individuals, states, and territories might be summed up as the main concerns of the sub discipline.

Economic geography: Economic geography is the study of how individuals make a living, how localized livelihood systems differ, and how geographically interconnected and integrated economic activities are. There are four subfields within economic geography research. Primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary are the four sectors. The history of economic geography is extensive. With branches including the geography of agriculture, industrial geography, and services, as well as trade patterns like transport geography, its traditional focus has been the dispersion of various productive activities.

Environmental geography: Environmental geography, sometimes known as integrated geography, is a subfield of geography that focuses on the spatial dimensions of human-nature interactions. It necessitates knowledge of the dynamics of climatology, hydrology, biogeography, geology, and geomorphology as well as the concepts of the environment held by human societies. The living layer of the earth, which consists of the atmosphere, the lithospheric, and the hydrosphere and is responsible for supporting all forms of life, is the primary study object in environmental geography.

Importance of human geography: Human geography has maintained its integrity and remained a comprehensive science with a wide and in-depth application. The holistic perspective of geography is more important than ever as we try to comprehend how humans can live in harmony with the planet Earth. The differences between communities, cultures, and the human landscapes they have shaped around the world are made clearer by human geography. It aids in a better understanding of "isms" including nationalism, racism, naxalism, casteism, regionalism, and terrorism.

Languages, cultures, technological developments, and interactions between people and their environment are all studied in human geography. In reality, we couldn't comprehend other civilizations, experiences, or even ourselves, without human geography.

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