Mode of marketing communications and advertisements

Commentary - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 2

Arun Sharma*
*Correspondence: Arun Sharma, Department of Marketing, University of Miami, Coral Gables, USA, Email:
Department of Marketing, University of Miami, Coral Gables, USA

Received: 24-May-2022, Manuscript No. IJMBS-22-64825; Editor assigned: 26-May-2022, Pre QC No. IJMBS-22-64825 (PQ); Reviewed: 09-Jun-2022, QC No. IJMBS-22-64825; Revised: 16-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. IJMBS-22-64825 (R); Published: 24-Jun-2022


The use of several marketing channels and instruments in combination is referred to as marketing communications. Marketing communication channels are concerned with how firms convey a message to their target market or the wider public. Advertising, personal selling, direct marketing, sponsorship, communication, public relations, social media, customer journey, and promotion are all examples of marketing communication tools.

For a firm selling items, the marketing mix consists of the 4Ps: Price, Promotion, Place, and Product; for a servicebased business, the marketing mix consists of the 7Ps: Price, Promotion, Place, Product, People, Physical Evidence, and Process. Advertising, promotions, sales, branding, campaigns, and internet promotions are all examples of marketing communications. The approach helps the general audience to learn about a brand and receive a clear picture of what it has to offer. Customers are becoming more involved as technology and techniques advance. This is accomplished by incorporating their thoughts and creativity into product development and marketing. Targeting audiences who enjoy the organization’s goal and vision, company values, and marketing programme is key to successful branding. The marketing communications mix is a set of instruments that can be used to send a clear and consistent message to target audiences. Advertising is a small but crucial aspect of marketing communications. The promotional mix is another name for it.

The marketing plan outlines significant opportunities, threats, vulnerabilities, and strengths, as well as objectives and a strategy for achieving marketing objectives. Each of the 4Ps has its own goal; for example, the pricing goal could be to improve sales in a certain geographic region by pricing their own product or service lower than competitors. Because pricing is one of the most important components of marketing that may impact the entire market positively or adversely, this produces a big change in the market because more individuals in the target market would prefer to do business with your organisation over your competitors.

Modes of communication and advertisement

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Skype, and other kinds of social media have all become incredibly vital communication channels. People might be heavily impacted by their peers, even if they use other forms of communication that aren’t tied to social media. This is referred to as social mediation. Marketing communication systems automate the personalization and distribution of marketing content depending on the recipients’ profiles.

In marketing communications, a platform works in a similar way, offering awareness and information about a given brand or product. A media strategy tries to engage an audience in a dialogue and, as a result, attempt to build a lasting relationship by strategically selecting various communication platforms. Modern technology has increased the number of platforms and interactions between customers and brands. As a result, the definition and meaning of platforms have shifted. Grönroos and Lindberg-Repo formally termed the integrated communication triangle after the many platforms through which communication is carried. These platforms can be classified as paid, owned, earned, or shared. The concept recognises that effective communication requires credibility and trustworthiness. Many shoppers, according to studies, consult review communities and seek friends or peers for product recommendations before making a purchase. As a result, effective communication requires combining one-dimensional [vague] and interactive platforms.

Non-personal communication platforms are used to share explicitly planned market material. The brand is in charge of the communication message’s platform, substance, frequency, and repetition. These characteristics are usually achieved through traditional paid platforms such as print, electronic, outdoor, and alternative media, which are aimed at a mass market sector.

Noise from other sources reduces the effectiveness of message penetration. Most paid communication platforms, print, and electronic media, for example, are cluttered with marketing and advertising messages, pushing firms to compete for attention. To eliminate noise brands often choose to include inserts such as samples and scent strips within magazines while newspapers utilise “call to action” inserts such as coupons which encourage consumers to visit or try a local service or good.

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