Note on conservation biology

Perspective - (2022) Volume 9, Issue 1

Ano Vea*
*Correspondence: Ano Vea, Department of Ecology, University de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, Email:
Department of Ecology, University de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain

Received: 03-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. AJOEE -22-57650; Editor assigned: 05-Mar-2022, Pre QC No. AJOEE -22-57650; Reviewed: 19-Mar-2022, QC No. AJOEE -22-57650; Revised: 24-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. AJOEE -22-57650; Published: 31-Mar-2022


The term conservation biology and its subsequent designation came from the title of “The First International Conference on Research in Conservation Biology” at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla, California, in 1978 led by American biologists Bruce A. Wilcox and Michael E. Soulé with a team of leading university and zoo researchers and conservationists including Kurt Benirschke, Sir Otto Frankel, Thomas Lovejoy, and Jared Diamond. The conference was sparked by concerns over deforestation in the tropics, the extinction of species, and the destruction of genetic diversity among species. The conference and processes that have led to the beginning of closing the gap between theory in ecology and evolutionary genetics on the one hand and conservation policy and processes on the other. Conservation biology and the concept of biological diversity (biodiversity) emerged together, helping to illuminate the modern era of conservation science and policy. The existing foundation of many fields of conservation science has led to new fields including social science, conservation ethics and conservation science. It encouraged the continuous development of genetic conservation initiated by Otto Frankel but is now widely regarded as disciplinary action.

The rapid decline of established biological systems around the world means that conservation biology is often referred to as “Deadline Discipline”. Depression, and life expectancy of rare or endangered species. Conservation biology deals with the events surrounding the conservation, loss, and restoration of biodiversity and the science of supporting evolutionary processes that create genetic diversity, population, species, and the ecosystem. Anxiety arises from estimates that up to 50% of all species on the planet will disappear over the next 50 years, contributing to poverty, hunger, and reintroducing the evolutionary process on the planet. Conservationists study and teach about the practices and processes of extinction of species, the extinction of species, and the negative impact these have on our ability to maintain human well-being. Conservationists work in the field and in offices, government, universities, nonprofit organizations and industry. The topics of their research are different, because this is a multiracial network with specialized relationships in biology and social science. Those who devote themselves to effort and work strive for a global solution to the current problem of biodiversity based on ethical principles, ethics, and the scientific cause. Organizations and citizens are responding to biodiversity problems through conservation action plans that guide research, monitoring, and education programs that involve local concern through a global scale.

The scientific principles of conservation were first put into practice in the forests of British India. The evolutionary ethical principles that began to change included three fundamental principles: that human activity harms the environment, that there was a social responsibility to care for the environment for future generations, and that empirically-based scientific methods should be used to ensure that this work is done. Sir James Ranald Martin was instrumental in promoting this idea, publishing numerous medical reports highlighting the extent of the damage caused by deforestation and deforestation, and extensively calling for a halt to deforestation in British India through the establishment of the Forest. Serious efforts to conserve and protect biodiversity around the world are a recent development. However, the conservation of natural resources has a history that extends beyond the conservation period. The code of conduct for the service grew as a result of the need for a direct relationship with nature. Social control or self-control has been needed to prevent selfish motives from taking over beyond what can be supported locally, thus jeopardizing the long-term supply of the whole community. This social problem with regard to natural resource management is often referred to as the “Commonwealth Crisis.”

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