Note on human resource management in an organisation

Commentary - (2022) Volume 12, Issue 1

Jenny Gibb*
*Correspondence: Jenny Gibb, Department of Management, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand, Email:
Department of Management, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand

Received: 01-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. IJMBS-22-58881; Editor assigned: 03-Mar-2022, Pre QC No. IJMBS-22-58881 (PQ); Reviewed: 17-Mar-2022, QC No. IJMBS-22-58881; Revised: 22-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. IJMBS-22-58881 (R); Published: 29-Mar-2022


Human resource is both exclusive as well as important. It is obvious that an organisation would try to obtain and make the best use of this resource. Organisations are made up of people and functions through people. Without people organisations cannot exist. Among the various factors of production like money, men and machines in an organisation, human resource is considered to be the most important factor. This is because the efficient use of other physical resources like land and capital is dependent on how the human factor is used on various operations. Except men, all other resources depreciate with time. Man is the valuable resource which appreciates with time if a right environment is given to him and hence termed as human resource. Human resources consist of those groups of people who are ready to provide their services for the benefit of the organisation. Human resources are a combination of physiological, psychological, sociological, and ethical components that are interconnected, interdependent, and interact.

Human resource always remains central to the organisation as dynamic and effective people can construct dynamic enterprises. Only efficient workers are capable of turning dreams into reality and have the inspiration to do so. Organizational goals can only be met with the help of competent people. Therefore, in order to remain competitive in the dynamic environment, it should be the constant endeavour of organisation to energise, assist and train their workers to maintain utmost efficiency. Human resource management, the task concerned with managing the people resources, is the most crucial and challenging task of the organisation. It was previously referred to as personnel management. It can be defined as acquiring the right talent, training and developing them and motivating them to sustain in the workforce to effectively attain the objectives of the organisation. One of the aims of this process is to bridge the gap between the organisation and its people. The purpose is to make an individual deliver his best and lending supportive arm to the organisation. Human resource management involves the planning, organising, directing, and managing of human resource acquisition, development, compensation, integration, maintenance, and separation in order to achieve individual, organisational, and social goals.

The main concern of human resource management is to develop the capabilities of the employee and maintain the reward system according to their expectations. The reward system should constantly motivate the employees to achieve the standard performance. Training is also offered to employees so as to discover and develop their potential. Job rotation is also used to analyse the overall performance of the employee.

The function of developing and re-structuring harmonious relations among human resources in the organization is performed by HRM. It coordinates and controls the human resources in the organization in such a manner so as to obtain maximum results.People are complex and dynamic in nature. Hence, management of human resource in the organization demands very close supervision of the employees. It is very critical task to control and coordinate employees because of the human factor. HR manager needs to be very careful while controlling and dealing with them, without hurting their sentiments. HR also plays a supportive role by assisting and advising operational/functional managers. As specialist advisors, they supervise and guide other managers to achieve their personnel tasks in a more effective manner.

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