Threats to the ecosystem and its causes

Commentary - (2022) Volume 9, Issue 2

*Correspondence: Reton Ierc, Department of Ecology, University of Milan, Milan, Italy, Email:
Department of Ecology, University of Milan, Milan, Italy

Received: 17-May-2022, Manuscript No. AJOEE-22-65140; Editor assigned: 20-May-2022, Pre QC No. AJOEE-22-65140 (PQ); Reviewed: 03-Jun-2022, QC No. AJOEE-22-65140; Revised: 17-Jun-2022, Manuscript No. AJOEE-22-65140 (R); Published: 24-Jun-2022


Threats are processes and events that can cause harmful environmental or physical harm to the ecosystem. Sources of threats are actions that cause the threat itself.

An ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. Energy enters the system through photosynthesis and is absorbed into plant tissues. By eating plants and others, animals play a vital role in the movement of objects and energy in the system. The ecosystem is governed by external and internal factors. External factors such as climate, parental elements that make up the soil and climate, control the formation of the ecosystem but are not influenced by the ecosystem. Internal factors are controlled, for example, by decay, root competition, shading, disruption, sequence, and the types of species present. Although resource inputs are usually controlled by external processes, the availability of these resources within the ecosystem is controlled by internal factors.

Flexible business ecosystems are close to its level of equality, despite that disruption, is called its resistance. The ability of the system to absorb disruption and reorganize during changes to essentially maintain the same function, structure, identity, subject to periodic disruption and are constantly considering recovery from past disruptions. The tendency for the ecosystem to remain and responses is called its natural stability. The ecosystem can be studied through a variety of theoretical studies, long-term ecosystem monitoring studies, those that look at the differences between the ecosystem to see how they work and conduct deceptive experiments. Common class biomes or ecosystem categories. However, there is no clear difference between biomes and ecosystems. Ecosystem classification is a specific type of ecosystem that takes into account all four aspects of the ecosystem definition: the biotic component, the abiotic complex, the interaction within and between them, and the physical environment in which they are located.

The ecosystem provides a variety of goods and services on which people rely. Ecosystem assets include “tangible, tangible products” of ecosystem processes such as water, food, fuel, building materials, and medicinal plants. The services of an ecosystem, on the other hand, are generally “the development of a state or place of value”. These include things like hydrological preservation, air and water purification, atmospheric preservation, plant maturity and even things like beauty, inspiration and research opportunities. Many ecosystems are affected by human impact, such as soil loss, air and water pollution, habitat fragmentation, water divergence, firefighting, and biodiversity. These threats can lead to a sudden change in the ecosystem or to a gradual disruption of biotic processes and the destruction of the abiotic conditions of the ecosystem. When the original ecosystem loses its defining characteristics, it is considered “folded”. The restoration of the ecosystem can contribute to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.


Climate problem is a term that describes global warming and climate change, as well as its effects.

The term is used to describe the threat of global warming, as well as to promote the prevention of severe climate change. For example, in the journal BioScience, the January 2020 article, approved by more than 11,000 scientists worldwide, stated that “the problem of climate change has come” and that “a significant increase in conservation efforts is needed to avoid unspeakable suffering from bad weather” in the case of climate change. “The term is used by those who” believe that it exacerbates the threats facing the planet due to the continued emissions of greenhouse gases and may help to foster a longstanding political climate that is not weather resistant. “ Greater emotion and support for action than “climate change,” calling climate change a catastrophe could have a far more powerful effect.

Studies have shown that the word involves a powerful emotional response to conveying a sense of urgency, but some warn that this very response may be counterproductive, and could lead to a reversal in response to exaggerated alarm ideas.

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