Brigitta Danuser MD

Department of Animal Science, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA


  • Editorial   
    Compassion in world farming-Poultry
    Author(s): Brigitta Danuser MD*

    As indicated by the World Watch Institute, 74% of the world's poultry meat, and 68 percent of eggs are delivered intensively. One option in contrast to serious poultry cultivating is unfenced cultivating utilizing lower loading densities. Poultry makers regularly utilize broadly endorsed prescriptions, like antiinfection agents, in feed or drinking water, to treat illness or to forestall sickness flare-ups. Some FDA-supported prescriptions are likewise endorsed for improved feed utilization. A chicken coop or hen house is a design where chickens or other fowl are remained careful and secure. There might be home boxes and roosts in the house... View More»

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