Chala Olani Abetu

Department of Sociology, College of Social Science, Wollega University, Warsaw, Poland


  • Research Article   
    The Impediments to Women?s Access to Land in Bodji Dirmeji Woreda of Western Wollega
    Author(s): Chala Olani Abetu*

    Land has an important place in the life of people. It is a significant indicator of wealth, power, political and social security in Ethiopia in general and Oromo society in particular. Men and women differently command over land. Access to land is crucial for combating discrimination. Women who are denied such access tend to be disadvantaged, a pattern that results in economic powerlessness. This study aims at investigating impediments to women’s access to land in the Boji Dirmeji district of Oromia region. It looks at sociocultural and structural, legal, administrative and institutional impediments that women face in accessing and owning land, along with identifying the knowledge gaps among women. The study provides qualitative and quantitative insights into conditions that impede women’s land rights in Bodji Dirmeji Woreda. The study was conducted in four kebeles.. View More»

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