Minyi Lu

Department of Neurology, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China


  • Research Article   
    The role of CITED2 in angiogenesis and neuroprotection after ischemic stroke
    Author(s): Minyi Lu, Xiaoyao Yu, Jian Chen, Zhien Lan, Yangye Ou, Xiaoye Shi, Jujian Ye, Zhiqiang Xian, Peidong Zhang and Yang Guo*

    CBP/P300-Interacting Transactivation with Glu/Asp-rich C-terminal domain 2(CITED2), a transcriptional co-activator, severs critical roles in cell development and metabolism. Currently, CITED2 involves in fundamental cell processes via interaction with several transcription factors or cofactors, including Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1α (HIF-1α), Transcription Factor AP 2 (TFAP2), Pitx2c, ISL1, WT1, Oct4, Smad 2/3, Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor (PPAR), Ets-1, and E2F. The latest studies have reported that CITED2 appears to have negative regulation of angiogenesis, promotive neuronal apoptosis, and inhibiting inflammation. This mini-review aims to summarize the molecular mechanisms of CITED2 and how CITED2 plays a role in angiogenesis and neuroprotection after ischemic stroke, which may provide innovative therapeutic strategies... View More»

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