Orien L Tulp

Department of Medicine, University of Science, Arts and Technology, Olveston, Montserrat


  • Research Article   
    Effect of carbohydrate type on brain composition and senescence in aging, hyperinsulinemia prone obese LA/Ntul//-cp rats
    Author(s): Orien L Tulp*

    To determine if phenotype and the carbohydrate type resulted in alterations in brain composition in the obese phenotype of the congenic LA/Ntul//-cp rat, groups (n=8 rats/group) of male littermate lean and obese rats were fed standardized isocaloric diets containing 54% (w/w) cornstarch (ST diet) or 54% (w/w) sucrose (SUC diet) from 1 until 10.5 ± 0.5 months of age. The obese phenotype of his strain develops early onset chronic hyperinsulinemia without NIDDM associated with hypertrophic-hyperplastic obesity during early postweaning growth. Brain tissues were dissected and representative aliquots subjected to total fat, protein and DNA analysis. Body weights of obese >> lean and were greater when fed the SUC than the ST diet in both phenotypes. Brain mass of lean>obese, and diet was associated with modestly lower brain weights in rats fed the SUC th.. View More»

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