Medical Sciences Journals

Welcome to the International Scholars Journals area of ISJ. ISJ is a principal publisher in the arena of Legal Studies research, publishing highly respected, peer-reviewed journals.

Medical science the science of dealing with the maintenance of health and the prevention and treatment of disease is a wide-ranging term which incorporates all branches of medicine, both clinical and non-clinical. Clinical medicine or bedside medicine includes all stuffs which can be learnt at the bedside including history taking, clinical examination - the patient’s symptoms, signs, how to reach the diagnosis, etc. is dealt in clinical medicine. Non-clinical medicine includes all the basic information of anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, forensics, microbiology, pathology, which aids one understand clinical medicine. These matters themselves have a clinical part that is directly related to the patient’s complaints.

Our Medical Science Journals are open access, worldwide, scholarly peer-reviewed research journals which publishes novel research articles after double blind peer review process with a fast track Peer Review Process. Published with goals to foster high quality research in the field of Medical Science Journals.

International Scholars Journals – Medical Science Journals are one of the best online open access journals in the field of publishing research articles

List of Medical Sciences Journals